
scioExtract - Protein Extraction Buffers

The Scio-Extract Protein Extraction Buffers are optimised for superior protein isolation performance from all cell compartments and of membrane proteins. Their non-denaturing properties enable the extraction of active proteins under native conditions. The unique composition ensures a high overall protein yield. The Scio-Extract buffers are available for protein extraction from tissue or cell culture samples and are formulated in different ways to suit different experimental requirements. 


Scio-Extract: Protein extraction buffer with high yield in all cellular compartments

Major Applications

  • Proteomics studies

  • SDS-Page/2D-Page analysis

  • Western Blotting

  • Microarray analysis and labelling with fluorescent dyes

  • Analysis of protein-protein interactions

  • Analysis of membrane proteins


 Special / Niche Applications

  • Protein Extraction from Drosophila Melanogaster

  • Protein Isolation from fracture hematoma


Main Advantages - Scio-Extract Buffers

  • Optimised isolation of proteins in an easy and convenient fashion

  • High yield of membrane proteins

  • High extraction yields from all cell compartments

  • High overall protein extraction yield

  • Successfully used in many biomedical studies

  • Non-denaturing properties are ideal for a wide range of applications

  • Fully compatible with subsequent fluorescent dye labelling

  • Fully compatible with all Sciomics microarray products


Product linesScio-Extract: Protein Extraction buffer for a non-denaturing protein extraction from all cellular compartments in a high yield.

The extraction buffers are available in different optimised compositions for extraction from different sample types

Optimised composition for high-yield extraction from tissue samples
Optimised composition for high-yield extraction from cultured or isolated cells


and in different formats:

Optimised composition for high-yield extraction
Protease Inhibitor cocktail in addition to Basic composition
Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor cocktail in addition to Basic composition


Prices and Ordering

Scio-Extract - Tissue       Scio-Extract - Cells


 Please feel free to download our flyer for these buffers and please contact us to answer any remaining questions.

Our service portfolio

scioPhospho: protein profiling and phosphorylation status

scioPhospho: protein profiling and phosphorylation status

Our scioPhospho analysis combines protein expression profiling using scioDiscover with analysis of the corresponding protein's phosphorylation status. More than 1,400 proteins are analyzed in parallel, covering key pathways in diseases such as cancer, neurological disorders and organ failure.  This combination provides a comprehensive overview of signaling events and pathway activity…
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scioUbi: protein profiling and ubiquitination status

scioUbi: protein profiling and ubiquitination status

Protein & ubiquitination profiling scioUbi is a high-content protein expression and ubiquitination level analysis. With scioUbi you can analyse more than 1,400 proteins in a single assay.   Features Screen…
scioDiscover - Protein Profiling on the Expression Level

scioDiscover - Protein Profiling on the Expression Level

Knowledge about protein expression levels is of utmost importance to predict toxic effects, estimate adverse effects of drug candidates and to identify new drug targets. Sciomics has a highly optimised…
scioCD - Cell Surface Marker and Cytokine Profiling

scioCD - Cell Surface Marker and Cytokine Profiling

Characterize Your Cell Type! Cell Composition Analysis in Tissue Samples CD-Marker Expression Profiles Increased Throughput at High Sensitivity Levels High Reproducibility       Our scioCD profiling service covers 349 different…
scioCyto : Cytokine Profiling

scioCyto : Cytokine Profiling

scioCyto : Cytokine profiling scioCyto is a high-content analysis service for multiplex cytokine and chemokine profiling on protein level. A great variety of samples such as plasma, tissue, cells or cell…

COVID-19 related activities and services

covid 19 portfolio web


New Article | Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia

| September 2023 | New Article: Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia. Sciomics supported this study by scioCyto serum analysis in a mouse cancer model.

Taylor, J., Uhl, L., Moll, I. et al. Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia. Nat Cancer 4, 1544–1560 (2023)
New Article | Rapid Diagnostic Platform for Personalized Vitamin B6 Detection in Erythrocytes

| July 2023 | New Article: Fiedler et al. developed a novel methodology for vitamin B6 diagnostics. We supported the project by the production of custom antibody microarray targeting signature human PLP-DE and testing respective samples.

New Article | Microbiota Influences Chemotherapy in Pancreatic Cancer

| February 2023 | New Article: In the study Tintelnot et al. identified a microbiota-derived metabolite that has clinical implications in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Sciomics supported the authors by a protein profiling study of tumours derived from a mouse model upon treatment with 3-IAA and Firinox.

Tintelnot et al. Microbiota-derived 3-IAA influences chemotherapy efficacy in pancreatic cancer. Nature 615, 168-174 (2023)
New Article | Predicting a severe Covid-19 disease

| April 2023 | New Article: In a protein biomarker development project initiated by Sciomics, we have identified protein biomarker panels predicting development of a severe Covid.19  disease.

Hufnagel K., Fathi A. et al. Discovery and systematic assessment of early biomarkers that predict progression to severe COVID-19 disease. Communications Medicine 3,51 (2023)
New Sciomics Proteomics Research Blog has Launched!

Sciomics Protomics Research Blog


At Sciomics, we are dedicated to advancing healthcare through proteomics research. We are collaborating with research groups and big pharma, alongside our in-house biomarker research initiatives. To make this research more accessible to you, we are launching the new Sciomics science blog!

The first study we will feature was published this year in a journal in the Nature publishing group. It's a topic that affects us all. Any guesses? Stay tuned!




Dr. Matthew Wright

Chief Scientific Officer, Kinarus Therapeutics AG, Basel, Switzerland

"We are a small biotech company without our own wet labs. Sciomics recommended a UK CRO that performed cell culture experiments for our studies. Sciomics seamlessly coordinated the transfer of the biologic materials to their facility and performed the scioCD panel to characterize cell surface markers and cytokines in cell lines treated with our small molecule drug candidates. The Sciomics data were instrumental in supporting our IP protection strategy. Their advice was very helpful and they worked with us to extract the most out of the data. We are very satisfied and highly recommend the Sciomics platform and the team."

Product: scioCD

Kyriaki Barmpa

PhD Candidate, Developmental and Cellular Biology, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, University of Luxembourg

"By collaborating with Sciomics, we conducted a detailed analysis of the proteome of striatum organoids, uncovering significant differences that further assisted our research. Their communication was highly efficient, and the results were delivered promptly."

Product: scioPhospho