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Sciomics GmbH
Karl-Landsteiner-Str. 6
69151 Neckargemünd
Phone: +49 6221 4294830
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E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internet: http://www.sciomics.de
Sciomics GmbH is represented by: Geschäftsführer Dr. Christoph Schröder


Register jurisdiction: Amtsgericht Mannheim
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Registration number: HRB716969

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Article | Exploration of Novel Biomarkers for Neurodegenerative Diseases

| December 2024 | Biomarker candidates for neurodegenerative diseases were identified by combining an exploratory proteomic approach with quantitative ligand-binding assays. Sciomics supported this study by proteomic screening of plasma and CSF samples of patients with different neurodegenerative diseases using the scioDiscover microarray platform.

Kenzelmann A, et al.. Exploration of Novel Biomarkers for Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Proteomic Analysis and Ligand-Binding Assays. Biomedicines. 2024;12(12):2794.  
Meeting | Sciomics @ BIO-Europe Spring 25

| March 16-19 2025 | Meet Dr. Christoph Schröder at BIO-Europe Spring in Milano to learn about our biomarker development pipeline and our protein profiling services in pre-clinical research

Article | Altered Serum Proteins indicate Inflammation, Fibrogenesis and Angiogenesis in Fontan Patients

| September 2024 | Four identified serum proteins may advance diagnostic and therapeutic approaches by complementing traditional diagnostic laboratory variables. Sciomics contributed to this study by ScioCD serum analysis targeting diferent CD surface markers, cytokines and chemokines.

Michel M, Renaud D, Schmidt R, et al. Altered Serum Proteins Suggest Inflammation, Fibrogenesis and Angiogenesis in Adult Patients with a Fontan Circulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(10):5416
Article | Vago-splenic signal transduction of cardioprotection in humans

| April 2024 | The spleen as a relay organ as well as the vagal innervation determine cardioprotective signal transduction of Remote Ischaemic Conditioning (RIC) and Auricular Tragus Stimulation (ATS). Sciomics contributed to this study by analysing plasma-dialysate samples using the ScioDiscover microarray platform.

Lieder HR, Paket U, Skyschally A, et al. Vago-splenic signal transduction of cardioprotection in humans. Eur Heart J. 2024;45(34):3164-3177. 
Article | Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia

| September 2023 | Article: Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia. Sciomics supported this study by scioCyto serum analysis in a mouse cancer model.

Taylor, J., Uhl, L., Moll, I. et al. Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia. Nat Cancer 4, 1544–1560 (2023)


Tara Sigdel, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, University of California San Francisco

"We collaborated with Sciomics GmbH in Germany to analyze proteomics data from blood samples of kidney transplant recipients and liver perfusates during normothermic machine perfusion. Throughout the process, Sciomics provided exceptional support, ensuring timely data delivery and valuable assistance with data analysis. Their expertise and commitment have been instrumental in advancing our research, and we are currently using their data in multiple manuscript submissions. I highly recommend Sciomics for their reliable service and expertise in proteomics."

Product: scioDiscover

Dr. Matthew Wright

Chief Scientific Officer, Kinarus Therapeutics AG, Basel, Switzerland

"We are a small biotech company without our own wet labs. Sciomics recommended a UK CRO that performed cell culture experiments for our studies. Sciomics seamlessly coordinated the transfer of the biologic materials to their facility and performed the scioCD panel to characterize cell surface markers and cytokines in cell lines treated with our small molecule drug candidates. The Sciomics data were instrumental in supporting our IP protection strategy. Their advice was very helpful and they worked with us to extract the most out of the data. We are very satisfied and highly recommend the Sciomics platform and the team."

Product: scioCD