Individual publications

New Article | Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia

| September 2023 | New Article: Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia. Sciomics supported this study by scioCyto serum analysis in a mouse cancer model.

Taylor, J., Uhl, L., Moll, I. et al. Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia. Nat Cancer 4, 1544–1560 (2023)

Article | Rapid Diagnostic Platform for Personalized Vitamin B6 Detection in Erythrocytes

| July 2023 | New Article: Fiedler et al. developed a novel methodology for vitamin B6 diagnostics. We supported the project by the production of custom antibody microarray targeting signature human PLP-DE and testing respective samples.

Article | HAPLN1 potentiates peritoneal metastasis in pancreatic cancer

| April 2023 | New Article: Wiedmann et al. identified HAPLN1 as a prognostic marker and as a and as a driver for peritoneal metastasis in pancreatic cancer. Sciomics contributed a plasma protein profiling of a mouse model to support this exciting study.

Wiedmann L et al. HAPLN1 potentiates peritoneal metastasis in pancreatic cancer. Nature Communications 14,2354 (2023)

Article | Biomarkers for canine mammary neoplasia

| Mai 2023 | New Article: Galadima et al. used the scioCD assay to analyse canine blood samples in the context of mammary neoplasia. The proteins CD20, CD45RA and CD99 were found at altered levels. The findings were validated by Western Blotting and are suggested as novel serum biomarkers.

Galadima et al. Canine Mammary Neoplasia Induces Variations in the Peripheral Blood Levels of CD20, CD45RA, and CD99 (2023) Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(11)

Article | Predicting a severe Covid-19 disease

| April 2023 | New Article: In a protein biomarker development project initiated by Sciomics, we have identified protein biomarker panels predicting development of a severe Covid.19  disease.

Hufnagel K., Fathi A. et al. Discovery and systematic assessment of early biomarkers that predict progression to severe COVID-19 disease. Communications Medicine 3,51 (2023)

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