| September 2023 | New Article: Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia. Sciomics supported this study by scioCyto serum analysis in a mouse cancer model.
| July 2023 | New Article: Fiedler et al. developed a novel methodology for vitamin B6 diagnostics. We supported the project by the production of custom antibody microarray targeting signature human PLP-DE and testing respective samples.
| February 2023 | New Article: In the study Tintelnot et al. identified a microbiota-derived metabolite that has clinical implications in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Sciomics supported the authors by a protein profiling study of tumours derived from a mouse model upon treatment with 3-IAA and Firinox.
| April 2023 | New Article: In a protein biomarker development project initiated by Sciomics, we have identified protein biomarker panels predicting development of a severe Covid.19 disease.
| Jan 2019 | In the article, scientists at Tel Aviv University used our scioDiscover platform to analyse tumor-associated eosinophils in colorectal cancer. The full article is published in Cancer Immunology Research.