scioExtract - Protein Extraction Buffers

The Scio-Extract Protein Extraction Buffers are optimised for superior protein isolation performance from all cell compartments and of membrane proteins. Their non-denaturing properties enable the extraction of active proteins under native conditions. The unique composition ensures a high overall protein yield. The Scio-Extract buffers are available for protein extraction from tissue or cell culture samples and are formulated in different ways to suit different experimental requirements. 


Scio-Extract: Protein extraction buffer with high yield in all cellular compartments

Major Applications

  • Proteomics studies

  • SDS-Page/2D-Page analysis

  • Western Blotting

  • Microarray analysis and labelling with fluorescent dyes

  • Analysis of protein-protein interactions

  • Analysis of membrane proteins


 Special / Niche Applications

  • Protein Extraction from Drosophila Melanogaster

  • Protein Isolation from fracture hematoma


Main Advantages - Scio-Extract Buffers

  • Optimised isolation of proteins in an easy and convenient fashion

  • High yield of membrane proteins

  • High extraction yields from all cell compartments

  • High overall protein extraction yield

  • Successfully used in many biomedical studies

  • Non-denaturing properties are ideal for a wide range of applications

  • Fully compatible with subsequent fluorescent dye labelling

  • Fully compatible with all Sciomics microarray products


Product linesScio-Extract: Protein Extraction buffer for a non-denaturing protein extraction from all cellular compartments in a high yield.

The extraction buffers are available in different optimised compositions for extraction from different sample types

Optimised composition for high-yield extraction from tissue samples
Optimised composition for high-yield extraction from cultured or isolated cells


and in different formats:

Optimised composition for high-yield extraction
Protease Inhibitor cocktail in addition to Basic composition
Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor cocktail in addition to Basic composition


Prices and Ordering

Scio-Extract - Tissue       Scio-Extract - Cells


 Please feel free to download our flyer for these buffers and please contact us to answer any remaining questions.
